Who We Are & The Vision We Have

At the PwrdInstitute, we believe in helping each and every member of our community find their vision, remove limiting beliefs and ensure you find success for you, while growing as an individual. Our vision is not too help you get more, even though that may be the results, but the become more.

Over the last 4 years, myself and our 10 member team have offered a range of services, worked with hundreds of companies, learned from our mistakes while generating tens of millions in combined revenue across all industries. Now, its time for us to give back, showcase we are qualified to teach what we do day in day out, and fulfil our mission by helping one thousand people create a career they love and becoming the best possible version of themselves.

Absolutely no brainer, The PwrdInstitute helped us massively, massively scale our revenue just in the first month.

— Conor Sunderland, Kensington Media.

Who We Are & The Vision We Have

Who We Are & The Vision We Have

At the PwrdInstitute, we believe in helping each and every member of our community find their vision, remove limiting beliefs and ensure you find success for you, while growing as an individual. Our vision is not too help you get more, even though that may be the results, but the become more.

Over the last 4 years, myself and our 10 member team have offered a range of services, worked with hundreds of companies, learned from our mistakes while generating tens of millions in combined revenue across all industries. Now, its time for us to give back, showcase we are qualified to teach what we do day in day out, and fulfil our mission by helping one thousand people create a career they love and becoming the best possible version of themselves.

If your someone like myself 4 years ago, unhappy and feeling stuck, going day in day out in a job thats simply not fulfilling you and you know you are destined for change, I want to invite you to join our community, where we will work with you each week to ensure you are taking the right steps to create a new career path. We will work with you to build a model you are most passionate about that can help your clients in a massively impactful way